We understand the operational value of your pharmacists’ availability. Partners In Pharmacy has developed custom databases to “find” them more time: quickly identify drug safety concerns, minimize product losses, and download corroborating documentation.
Quickly determine the potential impact of an “environmental anomaly”, build an action plan.
Commonly-used extemporaneous formulations for pediatrics, geriatrics, and special-needs populations.
Commonly-stored hazardous pharmaceuticals: recommended storage and handling guidelines
A FREE toolbox of our favorite “helper” resources on our BLOG
Whether its pharmacy operations, policies and procedures, compliance and audits, or automation, our institutional experience is uncommonly deep. We work directly alongside your leadership and staff, from investigation and data gathering, to analysis and assessment, to detailed action plans with forecasted outcomes.
Our consulting services are first-rate for a reason:
we live in your world.
With our superior project management skills and resources, and granular understanding of pharmacy management, Partners in Pharmacy can provide solutions for hospitals and other healthcare organizations to address their pharmacy-related operational, technological, and regulatory challenges. If you are implementing and managing a large IT project, are launching a new pharmacy division or location, are expanding or overhauling a pharmacy, or need to cover gaps in management, contact Partners in Pharmacy to find out how we can assist you.